• P - Provoke
  • Q - Quality
  • R - Radiating
  • S - Severity
  • T - Time

Achy: Achy pain occurs continuously in a localized area, but at mild or moderate levels. You
may describe similar sensations as heavy or sore.
Dull: Like aching pain, dull discomfort occurs at a low level over a long period of time. Dull
pain, however, may intensify when you put pressure on the affected body part.
Raw: Rawness usually affects the skin. If you have raw-feeling pain, your skin may seem
extremely sore or tender.
Sharp: When you feel a sudden, intense spike of pain, that qualifies as “sharp.” Sharp pain
may also fit the descriptors cutting and shooting.
Stabbing: Like sharp pain, stabbing pain occurs suddenly and intensely. However, stabbing
pain may fade and reoccur many times. Stabbing pain is similar to drilling and boring pain.
Throbbing: Throbbing pain consists of recurring achy pains. You may also experience
pounding, beating, or pulsing pain.