事源是前些陣子Pixel 3a在美國開售,經過一輪的資料搜集後,在連登上看到巴打們說在B&H上買可以直運香港不用經過集運倉所以選擇了它。

P.S. 經過Google Store ban集運倉的慘痛經歷實在不敢再集運了

而在B&H上買Pixel 3a更送贈$100美金,是美金!!






We thank you for your recent order. 

However, due to the fact that this order was paid with a card issued outside the USA, we are missing some important security information, such as address verification and so we have to take additional steps to protect the cardholder, thus your order is on hold. Therefore, we kindly ask; that if you or a colleague of yours has previously shopped at B&H Photo, whether it was online, over the phone or at our Superstore in NYC, we ask if you can provide us with the details associated with that order. 

However, if this is your first time shopping with us; we ask respectfully that you provide us with some additional information such as a link to your online profile at Facebook or LinkedIn or a similar page; Alternatively, if you have a work email address or university email address with a valid domain replying from it will help expedite the processing of your order. Your credentials will not be stored or used for marketing purposes. 

Please make sure your order number is in the subject line of all your email correspondence. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks in advance for your understanding in this matter. 

其實我也不知道具體如何分辨詐騙郵件,反正就是憑感覺,還有就是即使他知道你的Profile link或是電郵地址其實也構成不了甚麼安全隱憂就是了。


但我在購買Pixel 3a的時候並沒有遇到這個情況,所有資料都是一樣的,唯一不同的是第一次我用銀聯付款的,而第二次則是用Mastercard,但不知道是否沒有兩步認證的關係?
