Youtube Videos that introduce Day One:

It’s time to *actually* build a journaling habit in 2022 | Day One App Review | It talks about the major features of Day One, and it is informative.

Facebook Question

How to Use it

  • What do you want remember / keep track of?
  • I have a day summary for each day, basically information I want to collect about my day. I travel as well so I have a travel log that I teach the days when I travel and collect information about my day, hikes, and excursions that I take for the day. Basically you are creating a virtual journal with sections, you can add pictures of the day or videos. 
  • I use it less than I’d like, but basically as a “here’s stuff that went on that’s important.” Not every day, but if I have a bad day at work I’ll bitch about it and call myself an idiot, or if I get a new camera or toy I might just include a photo
  • What I did is imported my own personal blog that was online and kept *way* before ideas of privacy or that anyone other than a small group of friends who visited your website or blog would ever care about anything you had to say. Now when things pop up in the ‘on this day in’ I sort of use those as a template. It’s *really* cool to see a 20 year younger me bitching about how gas jumped up 10 cents overnight, or how my parents brought me back a blanket from a vacation they took. Those things inform me a bit about what I might want to look back at 20 years from now.
  • I also use it for journaling vacations. I’ll take a photo of not only the interesting things, but the mundane. The hotel room for example. Just a little reminder of how it looked. It also gives me a geo tag to track things (for my photo organization I’m a bit OCD about making sure the metadata is correct). This also gives me a place to put in any “big camera photos” that are taken when I retroactively add them in after.
  • When I get home I’ll make sure all the entries are tagged “VacationEngland2020” so they can be assembled in the future for a book.
  • Mostly though don’t stress about it. Sometimes just a photo is cool. Sometimes it’s in depth retrospective of your day like some people. Some people throw in movie ticket stubs to use for memories. Best thing is to just start and figure it out as you go along.
  • In addition to my main journal, I have 3 Instagram accounts linked, my old blog imported into a separate journal, an “automatic” one that’s linked to IFTTT rules to bring in my social media updates (which I never look at) and a “business” journal I use to record things like “deposit $100 from xxx for yyy consulting work” and attach a photo of a bank slip. That ones purely there because I used it once for the ease of. Adding quick text and a photo ANS having the date and time right there and haven’t bothered to do it in Apple notes or Evernote or somewhere. But the only one I “use” is the main one.
  • I have many journals, my main journal is my daily activities, feelings etc. One with photos of important docs (passports, birth certificates etc) one for quotes and notes from books that I read. One with names and info about new people I meet and I that I want to remember, one for finances. One for memories of the kids, so instead of saving cards, drawings, etc, I take a photo and destroy the paper after a few days. One for medical notes every time I or my kids go to the doctor... I have more but those are the ones I Use the most. Day one has become an important part of my life.
  • Separate special interest journals have been wonderful additions for me. Write about what you learn or feel about whatever you like to do in your downtime, like movies, music, literature, family history, birds.