


🙌🏻 領取今天的影片講義:http://lily.english.cool/

1. Netspeak語料庫 https://netspeak.org 
2. Ozdic 搭配詞辭典 http://www.ozdic.com

在字典中查到一個字後,不要只寫下它的詞性和中文意思,可以把它的搭配用法一同寫下,抄下讓你容易理解的例句,必要時也可以參考數本字典,比如說Cambridge Dictionary的解釋通常比較平易近人,但相對地無法深入了解這個字。

曾經在網上查到一個很好的notion vocab book模板,但有時候又覺得手寫的更就手。雖然很想把筆記都記錄在同一個地方,但畢竟記在腦袋裏的才有用吧?只是最好的方法我還找不到。



DSE 英文: 自製英文筆記 DIY (電子 Vocab Book 最強金點子🔥)

How to Go From Intermediate to Advanced English Level

  • It is called the "intermediate plateau"
  • You need 3000 words to do 95% of the everyday task, but a native speaker can use 20,000 words on average
  • The major difference is to learn chunks and expressions instead of a single word.
  • How to practise: Create a conversation theme in order to practise.

STUDY ENGLISH | How To Organize Your English Notebook Effectively

  • Section 1: Topical English
    • Help you learn things in groups
    • to easily remember English phrases, words, and expressions related to specific topics
    • You put so much inside, it is time to organise information
    • Content: Topic, Vocabulary, Expression, idiom, questions, answers
        • find the word you don't know
        • expression --> can be slang
        • English idioms about...
        • English discussion questions about... 
        • Answers: Reason --> details --> Examples
    • Fluency is not about the length of time you speak, it's about the information you provide, ordered, and concise, easy to understand
  • Section 2: TV, Movie, Youtube, Podcasts
    • Help you learn and remember English expressions, ideas and words by native English speakers in real life
    • Be more confident to speak English
    • Content: Topic, Source, title, description, interesting, 5 new words, ideas or phrases
      • Source: write down the exact source
      • description: describe what you saw/ heard 
      • Interesting: Curious/ happy/ Shocked? Write a summary about it.
      • Find 5 new words, ideas, or phrases: type, detail
      • to create a personal database to help you link and organise 
  • Section 3: Special Notes
    • help you keep track of the interesting English related ideas and information you learn throughout your day
    • feel more organised and less fructrated
    • Content: Special note, date, source, note
    • the more connections and triggers to give your brain, the more easier for you to grab and access the information later on 
    • Note: write the specific idea or tip 
    • You should be looking for quick, nuggets of information 
      • Nuggets: small chunk, small pieces of information


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